Ground floor - 20 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8GF
Any kind of accident can give rise to a chipped tooth and having a chipped tooth can be very uncomfortable and will not be the best looking thing either! If a front tooth is chipped you might lisp or whistle when you speak, and if you don’t go to see your dentist promptly you might also wind up with the tooth being destroyed. At Emergency Dental London we are always ready to provide emergency dental treatment to anyone who chips a tooth. These are the ways in which we can help:
A fast and the least expensive way of dealing with a cracked or chipped tooth is with a composite bonding. This gives a long lasting effect and will look good too. If it is just a small chip or crack it will usually be dealt with in one appointment. Bigger chips or cracks might need a couple of appointments. We can also show you a computer generated image of how your tooth will look before we start work on it.
If a chip or crack is larger, then your dentist at Emergency Dentist London might decide that a composite veneer might be the best way to repair it. This decision will normally be made to ensure that the tooth is stable and that the repair last for a long time. Unlike some other forms of veneer treatment, composite veneer is not invasive which means that it will not be necessary to file down the enamel of your tooth as it would for a cosmetic veneer. Once it is in place a composite veneer should last for about five to ten years although this can depend on how you take care of your dental health.
Where the damage to a tooth has been severe then a dental crown might be recommended so that the tooth roots can be saved and the tooth retained for longer. This will usually be accomplished over a few appointments. A root canal treatment might also be needed before the crown is applied.